Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heat Wave Alert

The National Weather Service has declared a Heat Alert for San José and the surrounding areas.

In preparation San Jose has designated cooling center’s around the City, the closest one in Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods is

  • Gardner Community Center
  • 520 W. Virginia Street, San Jose
  • (408) 277-4761
  • Open May 14th-16th WED-FRI until 9:00pm

For other locations please click on http://www.sanjoseca.gov/HeatAlert_CoolingCenters.asp

Elderly persons, small children, chronic invalids, those on certain medications or drugs (especially tranquilizers and anticholinergics), and persons with weight and alcohol problems are particularly susceptible to heat reactions, especially during heat waves in areas where a moderate climate usually prevails. Please take proper precautions and recognize the symptoms.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Here is a great place to find out about local events and community meetings, along with thoughts from D3 councilmember, Sam Liccardo. Updated monthly!!!!


Thursday, April 10, 2008


Delmas Park Apartments (1ST floor Rec Room)
350 Bird Avenue
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Introductions 6:30
NAC Chair updates 6:35
Approval of minutes 6:40

SJPD Update
Council Update
Planning Update
Code Update 6:45

Housing Improvements 7:10
Our City Forest 7:40
CAP Grant Update - Housing Project 8:00
Announcements 8:15
Adjourn 8:30

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

San Jose Gang & Youth Violence Community Meetings

The City is hosting several meetings to address Gang and Youth Violence

Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Alum Rock Youth Center
137 N. White Road, San José, CA 95127

Monday, April 28, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Franklin-McKinley School District
Administrative Offices
645 Wool Creek Drive, San José, CA 95112

Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Southside Community Center
5585 Cottle Road, San José, CA 95123

Monday, May 19, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
San José City Hall: Committee Rooms
200 E. Santa Clara Street, San José, CA 95113


For additional questions/information please call 408.277.2741

Monday, March 24, 2008

Community Air Quality Meeting in San Jose - Apr 18th

Community Air Quality Input Meeting in San Jose on Friday, April 18th from 1 pm – 3 pm at San Jose City Hall, Room W119 & W120.
The Air District will be hosting a series of public meetings to provide an overview of the District’s Community Air Risk Evaluation (CARE) program, describe funding opportunities to reduce air pollution emissions and solicit community concerns and ideas on possible future mitigation measures.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

W. San Carlos Joint Development Agreement

Dear Neighbors, Green Valley Republic LLC is pleased to invite San Jose residents to a community meeting to review the Exclusive Negotiation Process with the Valley Transportation Authority for our proposed project at West San Carlos and Sunol Streets. We will be providing an overview of the current zoning and design concepts for this 5.6 acre site in San Jose. Green Valley Republic encourages the public to attend and provide its input as we embark upon this important venture. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AT OUR UPCOMING COMMUNITY FORUM.

What: Community meeting on the VTA and San Jose planning processes, and our conceptual development plans
When: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 from 6:30-8:00 pm
Where: Lincoln High School, 555 Dana Avenue

For more information, please call 415-788-1000 ext.209, or email rmuhlstein@bergdavis.com

Green Valley Republic: 95 S. Market Street, 3rd Floor, San Jose, CA 95113


For more information on this project, please contact VTA Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575, TDD for the hearing impaired (408) 321-2330. You may also visit us on the web at www.vta.org or email us at community.outreach@vta.org.

For information regarding light rail or bus transit services, please contact VTA Customer Service at (408) 321-2300, TDD for the hearing impaired (408) 321-2330, or visit us on the web at www.vta.org.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Agenda for Monday's Meeting 3/10/08

Free Trees

Would you like a Greener Neighborhood?

There's nothing more beautiful than a tree lined street!

The Delmas Neighborhood is eligable for free shade trees from Our City's Forest: Green Neighborhood's Program

Please contact Erin:
(408) 998-7337 ext 123

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Delmas Park Neighborhood Improvement Plan Amendment

A detailed report that includes the background, planning process, vision & goals, and the top ten priorities for Delmas Park

Click here for report

Click here for latest UPDATE!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Delmas Park Map

Questions about Delmas Park

Do you have any questions about your neighborhood?

Please post any questions or comments below...

Top 10 Improvements for Delmas Park

1) Improve Park Avenue

2) Implement Housing Painting/Rehabilitation Projects

3) Maintain and Improve the Los Gatos Creek Area

4) Conduct Traffic Calming Studies and Install Traffic Calming Measures

5) Plant and Improve Street Trees

6) Increase the number of Dumpster Days in the Neighborhood

7) Enhance the Gifford Avenue Pedestrian Crossing

8) Improve and Expand Community Outreach

9) Install Street and Sidewalk Improvements

10) Enhance Events Managements Communication

Click here for detailed action plan for improvements

Delmas Park featured in Willow Glen Resident

Neighborhood improvement program makes
progress and tries for new goals
By Stephen Baxter
Seven years and $2.7 billion into a city program intended to improve 19 neighborhoods in San Jose, an independent report has been released that touts the success of the Strong Neighborhoods Initiative.
The report was prepared for the Redevelopment Agency of the city of San Jose by San Francisco-based Seifel Consulting Inc.
More than 50 community and youth facilities have been built through the initiative, and five neighborhoods in the Willow Glen, West San Jose and Rose Garden areas have seen some positive changes.
The initiative intends to make neighborhoods cleaner, safer and more prosperous in the long term, and city leaders behind the program say they are encouraged with its progress.
"SNI is a 30-year plan, and we're coming up on seven years," said Richard Keit, the city's director of neighborhood and business development.
"Each area is reviewing their Top 10 priorities, and sometimes they're the same" as their original goals, he said.
Roughly $755 million in city funds has been pumped in to the program, and more than $1.96 billion has come from private investments and development interests, according to the report.
More projects are still in the works, including efforts to calm traffic, plant trees and increase affordable housing.
Delmas Park is one of the smaller SNI areas in San Jose, and leaders of its neighborhood action coalition said it wasn't even identifiable as a neighborhood until the city program started. It is bounded by Highway 87, Interstate 280, Bird Avenue and the Los Gatos Creek.
Because of its proximity to downtown, many visitors to the Children's Discovery Museum and other places parked in the neighborhood and shut out residents. A residential parking program was introduced, and it has helped, according to the report.
Parts of Delmas Park area were zoned for more high-rise housing, but the neighborhood coalition successfully lobbied city leaders to scale back the high-density zoning near Bird Avenue. The change preserved some ordinary single-family houses and limited some growth there.
The neighborhood coalition's next task will be to try to slow traffic, and city traffic engineers are now working with neighborhood leaders on some possible solutions.
"SNI showed us that we could have a future that treasures and protects our older homes and welcomes new development," said Kathy Sutherland in the report. She is a former chairwoman of the Delmas Park Neighborhood Action Coalition and now works in Councilwoman Nancy Pyle's office.
"Before the SNI program, there wasn't a Delmas Park neighborhood," she said.
In the Blackford neighborhood in West San Jose, some residents' initial goals of better street lighting and more options for youth recreation have been met. The area is roughly bounded by San Tomas Expressway and Payne, Saratoga and Blackford avenues.
"SNI helped in resolving some longtime neighborhood issues like installation of storm drains, traffic calming and improved lighting, to name a few," said Blackford NAC vice president Mack Johansen in the report.
In the Burbank/Del Monte neighborhood, private housing developments have made some significant changes since 2000. The area roughly covers the Los Gatos Creek to Interstate 880 from Forest to Fruitdale avenues.
There have been nine new housing developments and eight new commercial projects worth about $496 million since the SNI program began.
The neighborhood has less open space and parks than other areas of the city, so one of the initiative's successes was developing Buena Vista Park and its tot lot. A new park also is expected to be built near condominiums under construction on Auzerais Avenue and the Los Gatos Creek.
Led by San Jose City Councilman Pierluigi Oliverio, the city council recently approved a dog run at a future park there, but the facility's details have not been decided.
Neighbors are now looking to improve sidewalks, curbs and lighting to better link the area to downtown.
Courtesy of Silicon Valley Community Newspapers
Willow Glen Resident